Assigning the task to a participant

Learn about participant assignment on the tasks system.

Assigning tasks to participants is a fundamental part of using Coordinoter effectively. This guide will walk you through the process of assigning tasks to participants, explain why it's crucial, and highlight the innovative features that make Coordinoter stand out in the NDIS software landscape.

Assigning a Task to a Participant

When creating a task in Coordinoter, you'll encounter a Participant dropdown. This dropdown is your gateway to assigning the task to the relevant participant. Simply select the participant from the list, and hey presto! The task is now linked to the individual for whom the work is being done.

For a detailed step-by-step on creating a task, check out our full article;

How to create a task

Learn all about creating and managing tasks.

Why Assigning Tasks to Participants is Crucial

Assigning tasks to participants isn't just a nice-to-have; it's essential, especially for billable tasks. Here's why:

1. Accurate Billing: The system needs to know who to bill. By assigning tasks to participants, Coordinoter can accurately track and generate invoices for the services rendered. This ensures you get paid for your hard work without any hiccups.

2. Participant-Specific Case Notes: When a task is assigned to a participant, the case notes are dynamically populated with the participant's data. This makes documentation more accurate and personalised.

3. Task Verification: With tasks linked to participants, you can utilise the Task Verification feature. This allows participants to acknowledge and verify the work done, adding an extra layer of transparency and compliance.

The Importance of the Live Budget Feature

One of the standout features of Coordinoter is the Live Budget. This feature is a game-changer for NDIS Support Coordinators. Here's why:

1. Real-Time Budget Tracking: The Live Budget feature provides real-time updates on the participant's budget utilisation. This means you can see at a glance how much of the budget has been used and how much is remaining.

2. Accurate Billing and Utilisation: By having participants and their plans configured correctly in the app, the Live Budget feature ensures that billing and utilisation tracking are precise. This reduces the risk of overbilling or underutilisation of funds.

3. Pioneering Innovation: Coordinoter pioneered this feature among NDIS software, setting a new standard for budget management. It's designed to make your life easier and your work more efficient.

Configuring Participants and Their Plans

To make the most of the Live Budget feature and ensure accurate tracking and billing, it's vital to configure participants and their plans correctly in the app. This involves:

1. Entering Participant Details: Make sure all relevant details about the participant are entered into the system. This includes their NDIS plan information, funding details, and billing preferences.

2. Regular Updates: Keep the participant's information up to date. Any changes in their NDIS plan or funding should be reflected in the app to maintain accuracy.

Billing tab

Get to know the participant billing tab.

NDIS plans tab

Learn how to use the NDIS plans tab.

By following these steps and understanding the importance of assigning tasks to participants, you'll be well on your way to maximising the benefits of Coordinoter. This not only streamlines your workflow but also ensures compliance and accuracy in your billing and documentation processes.

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