Create a new invoice run

Learn how to successfully execute a new invoice run for a billing period.

Creating a new invoice run in Coordinoter is a breeze, and I'm here to guide you through the process. Let’s get those invoices rolling!

Starting the Invoice Run

First things first, make sure all your tasks are valid and free of alerts. Once you’ve done that, it’s time to hit the Start Invoice Run button. Here’s what happens next:

1. Itemised and Branded Invoices: The system will generate an itemised and branded invoice for each participant. These invoices will include all the task information relevant to that invoice run.

2. NDIS Information Included: Each invoice will automatically include all required NDIS information, such as the participant’s NDIS Number and the charge items.

3. Intelligent Recipient Routing: The invoices are smartly routed to the expected recipient, whether it’s their Plan Manager or a Self Managed recipient. No need to worry about sending them to the wrong person!

4. Live Budget Reconciliation: In the background, the participants’ Live Budget is reconciled to ensure their current Support Coordination budget is up to date across the app. This means you can always be confident in the accuracy of your participants' budget statuses.

5. Bulk Upload File for NDIA Managed Participants: For those participants who are NDIA managed, a Bulk Upload File is generated with all the required information. This makes submitting claims a walk in the park.

After the Invoice Run

Once the invoice run is complete, you’ll be redirected to the Invoice Batches page. Here, you can see all your completed invoice runs. If you had a significant number of invoices to generate, you might see an alert letting you know your invoice run has been queued. Don’t worry, it’ll be available in the batches page within a few minutes.

For more details on managing your invoice batches, check out;

Viewing the completed invoice batches

Learn how to navigate the completed invoice batches page.

And there you have it! Generating invoice batches has never been easier. Now go forth and get those invoices out the door!

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