Viewing the completed invoice batches

Learn how to navigate the completed invoice batches page.

Welcome to your Invoice Batches! If you're here, you're probably ready to dive into the nitty-gritty of your invoice batches and see what you've accomplished. Let's walk through the Invoice Batches page and get you familiar with all its features.

Understanding the Invoice Batches Table

When you first land on the Invoice Batches page, you'll notice a table that neatly displays all your completed invoice batches. This table is your command centre for managing and reviewing your batches. Here's a breakdown of what each column represents:

Batch ID: Each batch is assigned a unique ID number by the system. This helps you keep track of and reference specific batches easily. Think of it as the batch's fingerprint!

Date: This column shows the date when the invoice batch was generated. It's a handy way to keep track of when each batch was created, especially if you're looking for a specific timeframe.

Bulk File: If a Bulk Upload File exists for a particular invoice batch, you'll see an export icon in this column. Clicking on this icon allows you to export the Bulk Upload File, which you can then use to submit payment requests to the NDIA. It's a real time-saver!

Invoice: This is where the magic happens. Clicking on this column will drop down a list of all the individual invoices sent for that batch. Each invoice in the list comes with a View Invoice button. Clicking this button opens the invoice in a new window, where you can review all the details.

Printing and Saving Invoices

Once you've opened an invoice in a new window, you'll notice a nifty Print button. This button allows you to print the invoice directly or save it as a PDF. Whether you need a hard copy for your records or a digital copy to send to someone, this feature has got you covered.

And there you have it! Navigating the Invoice Batches page is a breeze once you know what each column and button does. Now you can manage your invoice batches with confidence and ease.

Keep up the fantastic work and happy invoicing!

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