Participants overview page

Get to know the participant overview page.

Welcome to the Participants Overview page, your command centre for managing all your participants in Coordinoter! Whether you're an Admin overseeing the entire team or a Team Member focusing on your assigned participants, this page is designed to make your life easier and more organised.

Who Sees What?

  • Team Members: You'll only see the participants assigned to you. No more, no less.

  • Admins: You get the full picture. All participants under your team or organisation are visible to you.

The Participant Cards

Each participant is represented by a sleek card that packs a lot of information in a clean, intuitive design. Here's what you'll find:

  • Profile Image: A cool round image with the participant's initials, colour-coded based on their profile settings. It's like a visual fingerprint for each participant!

  • NDIS Plan Progress: Two handy progress bars show the time remaining on the participant's current NDIS plan and the utilisation of their Support Coordination budget. This feature gives you a quick snapshot of whether the plan is being under or over-utilised. And guess what? We're working on making this even smarter, so stay tuned!

  • Key Data Bar: Icons for Phone, Email, Address, NDIS Number, and Date of Birth. Clicking any of these icons copies the respective data to your clipboard. A nifty little feature for busy support coordinators on the go.

  • Participant Name: Click on the name to open their detailed profile interface.

  • Menu Icon: Located at the top right of the participant card, this icon allows you to open the profile or delete the participant entirely.

Top Bar Features

  • Add Participant: A button at the top right of the screen lets you add a new participant with ease.

  • Export: Need to export your participant data? This button's got you covered.

  • Import: Quickly import participants into the system with this handy feature.

Importing participants from external sources

This guide shows you how to bulk import participants into Coordinoter.

  • Search Bar: Looking for a specific participant? You can search by Name or even NDIS Number. Perfect for those with a large caseload.

That's the lowdown on the Participants Overview page. Dive in, explore, and make the most of these features to streamline your support coordination duties. Cheers to being organised and efficient!

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