Getting to know the tasks feature

Get to know the ins and outs of the tasks feature.

Tasks are the heart and soul of Coordinoter, designed to streamline your workflow and ensure you get paid for your invaluable services. Think of tasks as your digital to-do list, but on steroids! They help you document your work, track your progress, and keep everything in check. Let's dive into the nitty-gritty of what makes tasks in Coordinoter so special.

What Are Tasks?

Tasks in Coordinoter are your primary way to document work and bill for your services. Each task can be marked as billable or non-billable, giving you full control over what you charge for. Billable tasks are how you get paid, making them crucial for your financial health. Tasks can be anything from arranging a meeting with a participant to completing a comprehensive review of their NDIS plan.

How Do Tasks Work?

Creating a task is straightforward. You can select from a large library of predefined task templates, which cover the most common duties of an NDIS Support Coordinator. These templates come with pre-written case notes that dynamically incorporate the participant's data, saving you time and effort. If you need a fresh perspective, you can use the Regenerate with AI option to craft a new case note with a custom prompt.

How to create a task

Learn all about creating and managing tasks.

Why Use Tasks in a CRM?

Tasks are not just about ticking off checkboxes; they are about creating a comprehensive record of your work. This is essential for compliance, billing, and providing top-notch support to your participants. By using tasks, you ensure that nothing falls through the cracks and that you have a detailed history of all interactions and activities.

Key Features of Tasks in Coordinoter

1. Task Templates Library: Choose from a variety of templates that come with pre-written case notes. These templates are designed to cover the most common tasks, making your job easier and more efficient.

2. AI Case Note Generator: Need a fresh case note? Use the AI-powered generator to create one with a custom prompt. This feature ensures your notes are always relevant and well-structured.

3. File Uploads: Attach relevant files directly to tasks. Whether it's a participant's document or a meeting agenda, everything can be stored in one place.

4. NDIS Pricing Arrangements Integration: Assign NDIS charge items to tasks with real-time total rate updates. This feature ensures you always know how much to bill.

5. Task Verification: Send participants a unique link to verify task details. This feature is perfect for the upcoming NDIS PACE system changes, ensuring transparency and accountability.

Why You'll Love Tasks in Coordinoter

Tasks in Coordinoter are designed to make your life easier. They help you stay organised, ensure you get paid, and provide a comprehensive record of your work. With features like task templates, AI-generated case notes, and direct integration with NDIS pricing, you'll wonder how you ever managed without them.

So, go ahead and explore the tasks feature in Coordinoter. It's time to take your support coordination to the next level!

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