Add your first Participant

Learn how to add your first participant to your account.

Welcome to the Coordinoter family! Ready to add your first participant? Let’s get started, shall we?

Step 1: Navigate to the Participants Page

First, head over to the Participants page from the sidebar menu. This will bring you to the Participants overview page. Alternatively, you can click [here] to jump straight to the participant creation page.

Step 2: Click the Add Participant Button

On the Participants overview page, click the Add Participant button. This will open up the participant creation page where the fun begins.

Step 3: Fill in the Participant Profile

In the Participant Profile tab, fill in the required details:

  • Full Name

  • Date of Birth

  • NDIS Number

  • Diagnoses (comma-separated list; use commas to add multiple, backspace to delete)

  • Participant Tags (comma-separated list; use commas to add multiple, backspace to delete)

  • Assignment (assign the participant’s case to a team member; defaults to the current user)

Click the Communication button to drop down the contact information inputs for the participant. Set the communication type: choose Participant if you have direct contact with the participant, or Nominee if the contact type is for a nominee or guardian.

Step 4: Update the NDIS Plan

In the NDIS Plan tab, fill in the participant’s current NDIS Plan details:

  • Dates

  • About Section

  • Reporting Dates

  • Goals

  • Funded Supports

  • Plan Uploads (note: Plan Uploads are separate from Participant Uploads; for example, a Participant Upload might be a risk assessment for their residence, whereas an Plan Upload might be the specific plan itself or reports under that plan)

Step 5: Set Billing Details

In the Billing tab, set the billing contact details for participants who are either Self Managed or Plan Managed. This must be filled out as it’s where the invoices are sent.

Step 6: Upload Participant Files

In the Participant Uploads tab, you can upload files for the participant. Remember, Participant Uploads are different from Plan Uploads.

Step 7: Add Contacts

In the Contacts tab, add the participant’s contacts, such as family and friends, service providers, plan managers, and other relevant stakeholders.

Step 8: Set Notifications

In the Notifications tab, set smart alerts for various events in the participant’s lifecycle. You can set notifications for birthdays, service commencement anniversaries, check-ins, plan-related report due dates, and more.

Step 9: Add Participant

Once you’ve filled in all the necessary details, hit the Add Participant button.

Bulk Import Option

If you have a list of participants to add, you can import them in bulk from external sources. Check out our article on this for more details.

Importing participants from external sources

This guide shows you how to bulk import participants into Coordinoter.

And that’s it - easy as!

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