Initial configuration

This guide shows you how to get set up correctly.

Welcome aboard! Now that you’ve signed up for Coordinoter, it’s time to get everything set up so you can hit the ground running. Follow these steps to configure your account and make the most out of our platform.

Step 1: Invoice Configuration

1. Head to the Business Portal.

2. Click on the Finance Configuration item under the Finance tab.

3. Fill in the following details to get paid for your services:

  • Organisation Name

  • ABN/ACN Number

  • Invoice Email (this will be shown on the invoices and used as the reply-to email)

  • Registration Number (required for registered providers to bill NDIA-managed participants)

  • Invoice Terms (in days, specify the terms of payment)

  • Payment Instructions (specify your bank account details or payment method, and feel free to include a nice message)

  • Invoice Logo (upload the logo to be displayed on the invoices)

4. In the Charge Items section, add any charge item from the NDIS Pricing Arrangements to your account. By default, we only activate Support Coordination and Recovery Coaching charge items.

And voilà, your invoicing is good to go!

Step 2: Manage Integrations

1. Go back to the Business Portal.

2. Click on the Manage Integrations item under the Integrations tab.

3. Click the relevant connection button for your desired integration (e.g., Xero, QuickBooks, MYOB, Google Calendar, Outlook Calendar) and follow the prompts to allow access.

Step 3: Create Your Team

If you have a team, now’s the time to create it. Add your team members and manage their roles.

Invite your team

Learn how to create your team and invite your team members.

Step 4: Add Your First Participant

Add your first participant to your account. You can import all participants of an organisation and assign them to team members, or each team member can import their caseload.

Depending on their role, team members will only see their caseload, while admins will see all participants of the team.

Add your first Participant

Learn how to add your first participant to your account.

Step 5: Create Your First Task

Get started with creating your first task. For a step-by-step guide;

Create your first Task

Learn how to create your very first task in Coordinoter.

Optional Steps

Calendar Setup:

1. Head to the Calendar page.

2. Click My Calendars where you can create a new system calendar or connect your third-party calendars.

Configuring the calendar system

Learn how to configure the calendar system to meet your preferences.

Document Generator Setup:

1. Navigate to the Documents page.

2. Follow the 'Complete Setup' flow to set the details required for the documents to work properly. This includes double-checking your organisation name, logo, and uploading/setting your signature.

Set up the Documents system

Learn how to get started generating NDIS Documentation and eSigning in-app.

Enable Two-Factor Authentication:

For added security, head to the Account page and enable two-factor authentication for your account.

Enable two-factor authentication

Learn how to set up 2FA on your account for superior security.

And there you have it! You’re all set up and ready to rock. Enjoy using Coordinoter, and here’s to making your support coordination duties a breeze!

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