Validate unbilled task errors

Learn how to correct any errors on unbilled tasks in order to generate a batch.

Alright, let’s get into the nitty-gritty of validating unbilled task errors. Before you hit that shiny button to generate a new invoice batch, it’s crucial to ensure all your tasks are squeaky clean and error-free. This is where our intelligent validation checks come into play.

Intelligent Validation Checks

Our system is like a vigilant watchdog, sniffing out any missing data or errors in your tasks. Here’s how it works:

1. Unassigned Alert: If a task doesn’t have an assigned participant, you’ll see an Unassigned Alert in the participant column. This is your cue to assign the task to the correct participant.

2. Missing Claim Types: Tasks without a claim type will trigger an alert. Click on the alert to select the appropriate claim type.

3. Time and Amount Alerts: If there’s no time or amount entered for a task, you’ll get an alert. Make sure to fill in these details to avoid any billing hiccups.

4. Other Required Information: Any other missing required information will also prompt an alert. These could be anything from missing file uploads to incomplete task descriptions.

Addressing the Alerts

When you see an alert, don’t panic! Simply click on it to address the issue. The system will guide you on what needs to be fixed. Once you’ve sorted out all the alerts, you can confidently proceed with generating your invoice batch.

Why This Matters

Validating your unbilled tasks ensures that your billing process is smooth and error-free. It saves you from the hassle of dealing with rejected claims and ensures you get paid for all your hard work. Plus, it keeps your records clean and organised, which is always a win.

So, before you dive into generating those invoices, take a moment to run through the intelligent validation checks. Your future self will thank you!

And there you have it! Happy validating!

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