Get to know your account notifications

Learn how to navigate the notifications system in Coordinoter.

Hey there, let’s talk about something that's always there to keep you in the loop: account notifications. These handy alerts make sure you never miss an important update, whether it’s a participant’s check-in alert or a status update on a document.

Here’s everything you need to know about how to access and manage your notifications.

Finding Your Notifications:

  1. Notification Icon in the Sidebar:

    • Look for the notification icon embedded within the overview menu item inside the main sidebar menu. When you have unread notifications, this icon will have a red pulsing alert to let you know you’ve got mail 📬.

    • Click this icon to open the notifications modal at any time.

  2. Clicking Specific Notifications:

    • When you click on a specific notification, it usually links to the relevant area that relates to that notification. For instance, if it’s a participant alert, clicking it will take you directly to that participant’s profile.

  3. Dedicated Notifications Page:

    • For a comprehensive view of all your notifications, click the user menu in the sidebar menu and select Notifications. This will take you to the notifications page where you can see all of your alerts in one place.

Types of Notifications:

Notifications in Coordinoter are generated for a variety of important updates:

  • User Notifications: These include alerts like your subscription status updates – whether it’s been successfully updated or if there’s an issue.

  • Participant Notifications: Get alerts for participant check-ins, birthdays, and other participant-related updates.

  • Document Notifications: Receive updates on e-signature statuses when you or a document recipient signs their document.

  • And Many More: There are numerous other touchpoints that trigger notifications to keep you informed about what’s happening within your Coordinoter environment.

By keeping an eye on your notifications, you ensure that you’re always up-to-date with the latest developments, which means better coordination and a smoother workflow.

Thanks for tuning in, and happy coordinating!

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