Notifications tab

Get to know the participant notifications tab.

Welcome to the Notifications tab, your new best friend for staying on top of everything important in your participant's lifecycle! This is where you can set up smart alerts for a range of events, ensuring you never miss a beat. Let's break it down.

Setting Up Notifications

The Notifications tab offers a growing list of alerts you can configure. Here’s what you need to know:

Check-Ins: Define the frequency of your participant check-ins. If you set it to 7 days, you'll get an in-app alert every Monday (or whichever day you set it) to check in with your participant. Perfect for staying consistent!

Review Notifications: This is where you set the number of days' notice you need before a plan review. For example, if a plan ends on 01/12/2024 and you want a 30-day heads-up, enter 30 days. You'll get an alert 30 days before the plan's end date to remind you of the upcoming review.

Implementation Notifications: Here, you’ll find options for Initial Report and Mid-Term Report notifications. These dates are pulled from the NDIS Plan tab. Simply enter the notice period in days for how long before these dates you want to be alerted. Easy peasy!

Personalised Notifications: Want to remember those special moments? Set alert notice periods for birthdays and service commencement anniversaries. It’s a lovely way to show you care and keep your relationships strong.

Updating Your Notifications

Once you've set up your desired alerts, don’t forget to hit the Update button to save any changes. Missing this step would be like baking a cake and forgetting to turn on the oven - no one wants that!

Keep an Eye Out

Our notifications system is continually growing and improving, so keep an eye out for new features and alerts that could make your life even easier.

There you have it! Now you’re all set to use the Notifications tab to its fullest potential. Happy alerting!

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