Create a new document

Learn how to generate a new document.

Ready to generate a new document in Coordinoter? Follow these simple steps and you'll have your document ready in no time.

Navigating to the Document Creation Page

First things first, you need to get to the document creation page. Here's how:

1. Click on the Documents item in the main sidebar menu.

2. Hit the Generate Document button.

3. Or, if you're in a hurry, just click [here].

Filling Out the Form Fields

Now that you're on the right page, it's time to fill out the form fields. Here's a breakdown of what you'll need to do:

1. Title Input: The title defaults to Template Type - HH:MM DD-MM-YY (e.g., Service Agreement - 12:15 09-08-24). Feel free to personalise it to your preference.

2. Document Date: Set the date for this document. This date will be used on the generated documents as the effective from date, i.e., the date the document is valid from.

3. Validity Dropdown: Choose from a range of validity options like 6 months, 12 months, or Not Applicable. This is used for review dates on some policies and documents.

4. Participant Assignment Dropdown: Assign the document to a participant or select "Not Applicable." Many documents will auto-populate participant details, contact information, and NDIS Plan data from the assigned participant. Clever, right?

5. Document Template Dropdown: Choose from over 60 document types and counting.

Previewing and Generating the Document

Under the form, you'll find the Document dropdown button. Clicking this at any time displays a preview of the document. Changes can be made later, so no pressure!

Once you've filled in all the details, hit the Generate button. The document will be generated with the relevant information, branded to your business and details. You'll then be redirected to the document editing page where the magic happens. For more on editing, check;

How to edit the documents

Learn how to further modify the generated documents.

And that's it! You're now a document-generating pro.

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