Creating a new AI Chat

Learn how to create a new conversation with the AI chat assitant.

Ready to create a new AI Chat and supercharge your productivity? Let’s dive in!

Navigating to the Chats Page

First things first, navigate to the chats page by clicking the AI Tools dropdown in the main sidebar menu. From there, select AI Chats. If you want to take the express route, just click [here].

Create Chat

Once you're on the chats page, it's time to get started. Click the Create Chat button to open the chat creation page. You'll notice the title input field defaults to "My AI Chat" followed by its ID number, like "My AI Chat #01". Feel free to jazz it up with a personalised title that suits your style.

Select Chat Assistant

Next up, select your desired chat assistant from the list of available options. Whether you need help with general tasks, marketing strategies, or mental health advice, we’ve got an assistant for you. Once you've made your selection, hit the Create button.

Setup the Chat

Welcome to your new chat window! Here’s where the magic happens. Use the input field to ask your question or provide your instructions. Got an image that needs analysing? No problem! Use the image analysis file upload section to upload your image, and let the AI do its thing.

Want to tweak the AI's creativity? Click the settings icon to modify the creativity level. This adjusts the 'top-p' parameter sent to OpenAI. Higher levels will make the assistant more creative and imaginative, while lower levels will make it more focused and deterministic. Experiment with different settings to find the perfect balance for your needs.

You can also define the context length in the context dropdown. This determines how much of the conversation to keep in the new messages' memory. While keeping the context as 'All' ensures the AI remembers everything, it can eventually exceed the context limit. Adjust this setting based on your conversation's complexity and length.

Start Chatting

Once you’re all set, hit the Submit button to send your message and get started with your assistant.

For tips on crafting the perfect prompts to get the most out of your assistants, check out;

Quick guide to prompt mastery

Learn how to correctly construct your prompts for the best performance.

Happy chatting and may your productivity soar to new heights!

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