Get to know the AI rescheduler

This guide will explain about the AI rescheduling feature of the calendar.

Introducing the AI Rescheduler, where your calendar management just got a whole lot smarter. This nifty tool is integrated into our calendar system and uses artificial intelligence to make sure your schedule is as efficient as possible. Let's dive into how this works and how it can transform your day-to-day planning.

What Does the AI Rescheduler Do?

The AI Rescheduler is your new best friend when it comes to managing your calendar. It keeps an eye on all the events in your calendar, whether they're newly created or existing ones that need a bit of shuffling around. The magic happens when there's a change - maybe a meeting gets moved, or you suddenly have a new task to fit in. The AI Rescheduler steps in to intelligently adjust your schedule, ensuring everything fits perfectly.

Fixed vs. Flexible Events

When creating or editing an event, you'll have the option to mark it as 'fixed' or 'flexible'. Fixed Events are non-negotiable; they stay put no matter what. Flexible Events, on the other hand, can be moved around. But it doesn't stop there. You can also assign a priority level to these flexible events - low, medium, or high. This priority system helps the AI Rescheduler decide which events to move first, ensuring that your most important tasks get the attention they deserve.

Real-Time Adjustments

One of the standout features of the AI Rescheduler is its ability to make real-time adjustments. As soon as there's a change in your calendar, the AI gets to work, rescheduling flexible events to make the best use of your available time. This means you can say goodbye to double-bookings and hello to a more streamlined, stress-free schedule.

How It Works with Connected Calendars

If you've integrated your Coordinoter calendar with Google Calendar or Outlook Calendar, the AI Rescheduler becomes even more powerful. It doesn't just manage events within Coordinoter but also takes into account your external calendar events. This ensures that all your commitments, across all platforms, are harmoniously balanced.

Setting Up and Using the AI Rescheduler

1. Create or Edit an Event: When you're setting up a new event or editing an existing one, you'll see options to mark it as 'fixed' or 'flexible'.

2. Assign a Priority: If the event is flexible, choose a priority level from low, medium, or high. Of course, high priority events take precedence.

3. Let the AI Do Its Magic: Once set, the AI Rescheduler will monitor your calendar and make adjustments as needed, ensuring your schedule is optimised.

Why You'll Love It

The AI Rescheduler takes the hassle out of time management. By intelligently adjusting your schedule, it ensures you can focus on what matters most without worrying about the nitty-gritty details. It's like having a personal assistant who's always one step ahead, making sure everything runs smoothly.

So, there you have it! Dive into the AI Rescheduler and let it transform the way you manage your time. Your future self will thank you.

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