Task templates

Learn about the intuitive task templates feature.

Alright, let's dive right into the magic of Task Templates and why they're the unsung heroes of Coordinoter. If you’ve ever found yourself bogged down by repetitive documentation, you’re about to discover a game-changer.

What Are Task Templates?

Imagine having a library of hundreds of pre-defined tasks that cover the most commonly performed activities of NDIS Support Coordinators. Yes, you read that right - hundreds! These aren’t just random tasks; they’re meticulously curated based on feedback from dozens of support coordinators across Australia. We did the legwork so you can focus on what you do best: supporting your participants.

Why Task Templates?

We built Task Templates into the core of Coordinoter for one simple reason: to save you time and ensure compliance. When you select a task template, the case note is automatically populated with the assigned participant’s details and an in-depth description of the activity. It’s like having a personal assistant who knows exactly what you need to document, without you having to lift a finger.

How Do They Work?

1. Select a Task Template: Start by choosing from our extensive library of task templates. Whether it’s a preparing for a plan review, connection to community programs or a writing a progress report, we’ve got you covered.

2. Automatic Case Note Generation: Once you select a template, the case note is dynamically populated with the participant’s details and any other relevant information. The case note is also pre-written to describe the activity in a compliant manner, ensuring you meet all necessary documentation standards.

3. Customisation: While the templates are designed to be comprehensive, you can always tweak the case notes to better fit the specific nuances of your participant’s situation. Flexibility is key, after all.

4. Regenerate with AI: Need a fresh perspective or a different tone? Use the Regenerate with AI option to create a new case note with a custom prompt. It’s like having an AI-powered co-writer at your disposal.

The Benefits

  • Time-Saving: No more starting from scratch. With task templates, you can complete your documentation in a fraction of the time.

  • Consistency: Ensure that all your case notes are compliant and detailed, reducing the risk of errors or omissions.

  • Focus on What Matters: Spend less time on paperwork and more time on meaningful interactions with your participants.

  • Adaptability: Our ever-growing library means you’ll always have access to the most relevant and up-to-date templates.

Why You'll Love It

Task Templates are designed to make your life easier. They’re intuitive, efficient, and incredibly clever. By automating the mundane aspects of your work, you can focus on delivering the best possible support to your participants. Plus, with the ability to regenerate case notes using AI, you’ll never be stuck for words again.

So go ahead, explore the power of Task Templates in Coordinoter. Your future self will thank you.

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