
This guide introduces you to the contacts option inside the business portal.

Alright, let's talk about the Contacts option in the Business Portal. This is your go-to spot for managing all the important people connected to your participants. Whether it's a sibling, a support worker, or even a pet goldfish (okay, maybe not the goldfish), this page has got you covered.

Navigating the Contacts Table

When you first land on the Contacts page, you'll see a table that’s as organised as a neatly stacked pile of paperwork (but way more fun). Here’s what you’ll find from left to right:

Contact Name

This column shows the name of the contact. Click on any name, and voilà! A modal pops up with all the juicy details about that contact. Think of it as a magic window into their world.

Email Address

Next up, we've got the email address column. This is where you'll find the contact’s email. Handy for when you need to shoot off a quick message or just want to know where to send those virtual high-fives.


This column shows which participant the contact belongs to. And guess what? It’s clickable! Click on the icon beside participant’s name, and you’ll be whisked away to their profile. It’s like a teleportation device, but for profiles.


Finally, we have the relationship column. This tells you what kind of relationship the contact has with the participant. Whether they’re a sibling, a support worker, a child, or something else, you’ll know exactly who’s who in the participant’s support network.

Managing Contacts Like a Pro

Adding, editing, or removing contacts is a breeze. Just use the intuitive options provided, and you’ll be managing contacts like a seasoned pro in no time. Keep everything up-to-date to ensure your participants have the best support network possible.

And there you have it! The Contacts page is your command centre for all participant-related connections. Dive in, explore, and make the most of this powerful feature. Cheers to seamless coordination!

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