Participant profile tab

Get to know the participant profile tab.

Alright, let's dive into the heart of your Participant Management Interface, starting with the Profile Tab. This tab is your go-to spot for all the essential details about your participant. Whether you're just getting started or need to make a quick update, here's everything you need to know:

Full Name

This one’s pretty straightforward. Enter the participant's full name here. Make sure it’s spelled correctly - no one likes a typo in their name!

Date of Birth

Pop in the participant's date of birth. This is crucial for all sorts of reasons, from eligibility to personalised care.

NDIS Number

Enter the participant’s NDIS number here. This unique identifier is essential for all NDIS-related activities.


Got multiple diagnoses to list? No problem! Just type them in as a comma-separated list. For example: BPD, Amputee. If you need to remove one, just backspace over it. Easy peasy.


Specify the participant’s gender here. If it’s not necessary to specify, you can leave it as Unspecified. Flexibility is key!

Colour Code

This is a clever feature that lets you assign a unique colour to each participant. This colour will be used app-wide to help you easily distinguish participants in key areas. Think of it as a visual shortcut.

Participant Tags

Similar to diagnoses, you can add multiple tags to a participant by separating them with commas. For example: Non-Verbal, Covid. These tags can be super helpful for quick reference and filtering.


Here, you can assign the participant’s case to a team member. By default, it’s set to the current user, but admins can see and select from all team members. This ensures everyone knows who’s responsible for what.

Communication Button

Click this button to drop down the contact information inputs for the participant. You can set the communication type to either Participant (if you have direct contact with the participant) or Nominee (if the contact type is for a nominee or guardian). This keeps communication channels clear and organised.


Last but definitely not least, don’t forget to hit the Update button to save any changes you’ve made. It’s the virtual equivalent of dotting your i’s and crossing your t’s.

And there you have it! The Profile Tab is your one-stop-shop for all the vital stats and details about your participant. Keep it updated, and you’ll always have the info you need right at your fingertips.

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