Introduction to the roadmap

Learn how to navigate the feature release roadmap.

Welcome to the roadmap, your crystal ball into the future of Coordinoter! Ever wondered what new features are brewing in the background while you’re busy being the superhero Support Coordinator that you are?

Well, look no further. The roadmap is your backstage pass to everything that’s coming up in Coordinoter, and it’s all just a click away under the help widget or on its own dedicated page right [here].

What Exactly Is a Roadmap?

Let’s take a step back for a moment. In the world of software development, a roadmap isn’t just a fancy graphic with lines and boxes. It’s more like the treasure map from your favorite adventure movie – except instead of treasure, you get shiny new features that make your life easier. It’s the visual representation of our journey, showing you where we’re headed, what we’re working on, and what we’ve already rolled out.

In Coordinoter’s roadmap, you’ll see all the feature requests that have made it through our rigorous vetting process and are now officially on the docket. These requests are then neatly categorised into three simple stages: Planned, In Progress, and Released.

  • Planned: These are the features that are on our radar and slated for development. Think of this as the wishlist that’s about to get real.

  • In Progress: This is where the magic happens! These features are currently being crafted by our team, like a pot of gold being forged by elves. You can almost smell the fresh code.

  • Released: Ah, the moment of glory! These features have been released into the wild and are now part of your Coordinoter experience. Cue the confetti!

How the Roadmap Works for You

Here’s the beauty of the roadmap: it’s not just a passive list. It’s interactive and alive, just like Coordinoter. We don’t believe in keeping secrets, so you can see exactly what’s coming next and plan your workflows accordingly.

Got a feature idea that’s been gnawing at you? You can suggest it directly, and if it’s something that aligns with our vision, you might just see it move through the stages and eventually land in the Released Section.

We’ve built this roadmap to be a transparent window into our development process because we’re all about keeping you in the loop. After all, you’re the reason we’re here, and your feedback drives our innovation. So, keep those suggestions coming, keep an eye on the roadmap, and get ready to see Coordinoter evolve in ways that make your job smoother and more efficient.

A Little Note to End On

So there you have it – the roadmap in all its glory. It’s our way of saying, “Hey, we’ve got some awesome stuff in the works, and we can’t wait to share it with you!” Keep checking back to see what’s cooking, and don’t hesitate to throw your ideas into the mix. After all, Coordinoter is as much yours as it is ours, and together, we’re building something pretty amazing.

Catch you on the roadmap!

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