Introduction to the issue reporting feature

Get to know the issue reporting feature inside the help widget.

Alright, let's talk about one of the most fantastic features in Coordinoter: the issue reporting feature. This little gem is nestled right inside the help widget, and it's your go-to tool for reporting any bugs or issues you encounter while using Coordinoter. Whether it's a glitch, a hiccup, or something that just doesn't seem right, this feature ensures that our support team can swoop in and save the day. Let's dive into how it works and why it's so darn effective.

How to Report an Issue

When you click on the help widget within Coordinoter, you'll see an option to report an issue or bug. Clicking this opens up a clever dialogue designed to capture all the information our support team needs to fix the problem immediately. It's like having a direct line to our engineers, and trust me, they love it!

Visual Feedback

One of the coolest aspects of this feature is the ability to provide visual feedback. You can capture screenshots or even video replays of the issue. But wait, there's more! You can draw and select exactly where the bug is, making it crystal clear for our team to see what needs fixing. It's like playing a game of "spot the difference," but way more productive.

Context for Developers

Our issue reporting feature doesn't just stop at visual feedback. It goes a step further by capturing console and network logs. These logs are like the secret diaries of your browser and network, revealing all the juicy details that help our developers understand what went wrong. Never again will important information slip through the cracks!

Environment Data

Ever wondered if the issue you're experiencing is related to your specific setup? Well, our feature captures all the environment data too. This includes which browser, device, and operating system you were using when the issue occurred. It's like giving our developers a backstage pass to your tech environment, making it easier for them to pinpoint the problem.

Replay Video

And here's the pièce de résistance: Coordinoter Support receives a 60-second replay of your steps before the report. This means our team can see exactly what you saw, right before the issue happened. No more trying to replicate bugs or play detective. It's all there, laid out in a neat little video.

Real-Time Connection to Engineers

Once you've reported an issue, it gets directly linked to our engineers in real-time. We get all the information we need - visual feedback, logs, environment data, and video replay, allowing us to understand exactly what the issue is, how it happened, and how to fix it. You'll be informed of the fix and the timeline, so you're never left in the dark.

So there you have it! The issue reporting feature in Coordinoter is designed to make your life easier and ensure that any bugs or issues are squashed promptly. Your feedback is invaluable, and this feature makes sure it gets to the right people with all the context they need.

Thanks for reading, and happy bug reporting (hopefully not though 😅)!

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