Disconnect Coordinoter from Outlook Calendar

This guide shows you how to remove Coordinoter's access to your Outlook Calendars.

Alright, so you've decided to part ways with Outlook Calendar and Coordinoter. No worries, it's a straightforward process! Let's walk through how to disconnect your Coordinoter account from Outlook Calendar, ensuring that all your calendar events stop syncing between the two platforms.

Step 1: Open Coordinoter and Navigate to Manage Integrations

First things first, open your Coordinoter account. Once you're in, head over to the business portal. From there, click on Manage Integrations to access the integrations page. If you're in a hurry, you can just click [here] to get there directly.

Step 2: Disconnect from Microsoft

On the integrations page, find the Outlook Calendar card. You'll see a button labelled Disconnect from Microsoft. Click on this button to initiate the disconnection process.

What Happens During the Disconnection?

When you click the Disconnect from Microsoft button, Coordinoter uses API calls to completely sever the connection between your Coordinoter account and Outlook Calendar. Here's a high-level breakdown of what happens:

1. OAuth Flow Termination: The OAuth access tokens that were initially granted to Coordinoter to access your Outlook Calendar are revoked. This means Coordinoter will no longer have permission to access your Outlook Calendar data.

2. Token Removal: All existing tokens are scrubbed from the system. This ensures that no residual access remains.

3. Access Removal: Any links or permissions that allowed Coordinoter to interact with your Outlook Calendar are completely wiped. Essentially, Coordinoter forgets it ever had access to your Outlook Calendar.

Step 3: Confirmation and Redirection

Once the disconnection process is successful, you'll be redirected to a confirmation page. This is your cue that the calendars and events will no longer sync between Coordinoter and Outlook Calendar.


If you encounter any errors during the disconnection process, don't panic. Simply hit the help icon located at the bottom right of the screen for real-time assistance.

And that's it! You've successfully disconnected Coordinoter from Outlook Calendar. Your calendars and events will now stay separate, just like you wanted.

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