Connect Coordinoter to Outlook Calendar

This guide shows you how to grant Coordinoter access to your Outlook Calendar.

Connecting your Coordinoter account to your Outlook Calendar is a breeze and ensures you never miss an important event or meeting. This guide will walk you through the steps to sync your calendars for seamless coordination.

Why Connect Your Calendar?

By connecting your Coordinoter account to your Outlook Calendar, you enable two-way syncing of events. This means any calendar events created, updated, or deleted in Coordinoter will reflect in your Outlook Calendar and vice versa. This integration uses oAuth for secure access and refresh tokens, ensuring your data is always up-to-date and secure.

What is oAuth?

oAuth is an open standard for access delegation, commonly used as a way to grant websites or applications limited access to user information without exposing passwords. In this case, oAuth allows Coordinoter to securely access your Outlook Calendar data using tokens.

How Does It Work?

The integration works through a combination of API calls, webhooks, and push notifications using Change Notifications. When you connect your calendar, Coordinoter uses the Outlook Calendar API to request access and refresh tokens. These tokens allow Coordinoter to sync events between the two platforms securely.

Steps to Connect Your Outlook Calendar to Coordinoter

1. Open Coordinoter: Log in to your Coordinoter account.

2. Navigate to the Business Portal: Click on Manage Integrations or simply click [here].

3. Initiate the Connection: On the integrations page, find the Outlook Calendar card and click the Sign in with Microsoft button. This will start the oAuth flow.

4. oAuth Flow: You will be redirected to the Microsoft login page. Enter your Outlook credentials and securely log in. Microsoft will then ask you to grant Coordinoter access to your calendar data. Click 'Allow'.

5. Token Exchange: Once you grant access, Microsoft will issue access and refresh tokens to Coordinoter. These tokens are used to sync your calendar events securely.

6. Redirection: After a successful connection, you will be redirected back to Coordinoter. Your calendars and events will now sync between Coordinoter and Outlook Calendar.


If you encounter any errors during the connection process, don't fret! Simply hit the help icon at the bottom right of the screen for real-time assistance.

And there you have it! Your Coordinoter and Outlook Calendar are now best friends, ensuring you stay on top of all your important dates and events.

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