Disconnect Coordinoter from Google Calendar

This guide shows you how to remove Coordinoter's access to your Google Calendars.

So, you’ve decided to part ways with Google Calendar on Coordinoter? No worries, we’ve got you covered! Here’s how to gracefully disconnect your Coordinoter account from Google Calendar and ensure your data stays tidy and secure.

What Happens When You Disconnect?

When you disconnect Coordinoter from Google Calendar, we use API magic to completely sever the connection. This means we’ll disable and scrub the existing tokens from our system, removing all access from Coordinoter to your linked Google account(s). Essentially, it’s like a digital detox for your calendar—no more two-way syncing of events between Coordinoter and Google Calendar.

Step-by-Step Guide to Disconnecting

1. Open Coordinoter: Fire up your Coordinoter account and get ready to navigate.

2. Navigate to the Business Portal: Head over to the business portal. If you’re in a rush, you can just click [here].

3. Manage Integrations: Once you’re in the business portal, find and click on Manage Integrations to open the integrations page.

4. Disconnect from Google Calendar: On the integrations page, locate the Google Calendar card. Click the Disconnect from Google Calendar button. This initiates the disconnection flow.

The Disconnection Flow

When you click that disconnect button, here’s what happens behind the scenes:

- OAuth Flow: We trigger an OAuth flow that revokes the access tokens Coordinoter uses to communicate with your Google Calendar.

- Token Removal: Those tokens are then scrubbed from our system, ensuring no lingering connections.

- Access Disabled: All access from Coordinoter to your Google account(s) is completely removed.

5. Redirection: Once the disconnection is successful, you’ll be redirected back to the integrations page. Voilà! Your calendars and events will no longer sync between Coordinoter and Google Calendar.


If the disconnection process throws an error, don’t panic. Just hit the help icon at the bottom right of your screen for real-time assistance. Our support team is always ready to help you out!

And there you have it! Disconnecting your Google Calendar from Coordinoter is as easy as pie. Now, go ahead and enjoy your newly unsynced life!

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